Special track detais

The Economic Value of User Experience and the Impact on Business Model Innovation

Research Area: Business Model Innovation and Digital Transformation
Reference No. of the Track: 27


The Track wants to deepen the ROI in digital systems, particularly in the User Experience, to support an innovative and user-centric business management model. The relational system of the value creation process can be seen as a network of stakeholders and users whose actions are closely related and interdependent. Stakeholder mapping is functional in the cost-benefit calculation process in the digital business model. In this regard, return on investment (ROI) is an economic analysis derived from the cost-benefit analysis that considers various types of impact when evaluating an organisation’s activities. Cost reduction through process optimisation means developing products correctly: rationalisation increases productivity. High-quality products gain competitive advantages by differentiating themselves from the cross-section of the market by increasing turnover and strengthening the brand.
ROI-in-UX measurements include measurements beyond accounting.

User Experience, Customer Experience, Business model innovation, ROI in UX, High-impact strategies


Luca Girardi, Università di Macerata, Italy
Maria Zifaro, Universitas Mercatorum, Italy
Marco Giannini, Università di Pisa, Italy